How to have ZERO Stress in College – Guide

I’m sure every college student who read that title has had a good laugh, showed all their friends, called their mom to tell them how funny it was…and THEN sat down to read. But DON’T disregard it yet!! I have made it through to my current college life with very minimal stress. I’ve managed to …

Deleting ALL My Social Media

Okay first off, that title is a lie BUT only because I kept Snapchat since it’s my main source of talking with friends and I don’t use the snap feed.  Now that that is out of the way…I did uninstall every other social media. I’d been a pretty avid social media user for a couple …

Using 2 Google Accounts to Minimize Distractions & Maximize Productivity

Do you find yourself logging into Chrome, planning on doing some school research, or opening some productivity websites to get some work done, but then you find yourself pressing “y” and tapping enter? If this sounds familiar, congratulations…you are human and struggle with something probably 95% of Internet users do. My Dad made me a …